It's been a while since we've done a progress update. Karl and I officially started our lifestyle change 2 years ago! What?! How has time flown by so fast? A year and a half ago we moved 300 miles away from family and were truly tested on our newly acquired eating and activity lifestyle. I'm pleased to inform you all that even though we have endured a stressful move, deaths in the family, and a traumatic injury to Danielle's leg we've maintained our slenderiiz results. Admittedly, post injury Danielle is working on building up strength and endurance to be back to a fully active lifestyle but I don't know how many people could go through 3 months of being of their feet and not gain the weight back. We're proud of ourselves for not falling back in to our stress eating habits, and proud to be a healthy family. This week Danielle returned back to work after being off for 3 months, feels like a new chapter in our lives so we're taking the opportunity to do an 8 week challenge to get fit. Wish us luck, and pray for our journey as we start a new chapter in this process and get Danielle back to where she can be hiking and active again. We're flushing fat, building muscle and starting the slenderiiz program again to get to our full potential.